Friday, April 26, 2013


I (Angie) spent 6 months of my mission in the beautiful country of Luxembourg. Here are some photos of what we saw and did today:

Austin's first experience with a European elevator.... absolutely minuscule.

Hiking throught the Mullerthal Region in Eastern Luxembourg.


The little sliver of white you see through the rocks? That the end of the canyon. It was a long, steep climb!

We stumbled upon Germany today. How fun!

The town square of Echternach, Luxembourg

My favorite sandwich (panini with tomatoes and goats cheese) at my favorite cafe in Luxembourg, La Brioche Doree

The Palace of the Grand Duke of Luxembourg

Austin overlooking The Grund, one of the valleys that surround the capital city of Luxembourg 

The Bock Casemates, military tunnels that were built into the plateaus upon which the city of Luxembourg was founded.

A view from the Casement windows

Beautiful Luxembourg streets

One of my favorite hobbies from my mission is taking photos of fun/random graffiti....

View of the Adolphe Bridge, Luxembourg City.

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