Friday, April 27, 2012

Geneve wanted to move her high chair into her playhouse. It didn't quite fit. 

This is what Geneve looks like after Daddy leaves for work sometimes.

This is what she looks like when he gets home.

Daddy's version of playtime

Geneve waving

Everyday Geneve and I have a routine: we sit on the front porch and wait for Daddy to come home from work or school. Lately, she's been waving at strangers as they walk by. Sometimes she even say "Aye" (I think this is her way of saying "Hi")

That's Austin in the red shirt walking down the street...

"I'm so glad when Daddy comes home!"

Sledding at Island Park

I love this snow suit. It gives Geneve big-lady hips

This snowsuit also gives Austin big-lady hips!

Notice Geneve lying half-dead in the pink sled